In some public places in US, there’s an area in the buildings where you can look for things that you lost or give things you found that aren’t yours.
I didn’t know this place existed until I lost my watch in the food stall at campus (@MemorialUnion). That watch was a gift from my sister-in-law and that was the only watch I had when I was in US. FYI, I really depend on that watch. In US, “Time is Money” is not just merely a quote. I learned this when I took a bus and light rail to go to campus. This was the most frustating thing I had. Everyday, waiting for the bus and if you came late even for one single minute, you’d miss it and you had to wait for another 15 minutes and come late to class and automatically miss the quiz and unfortunately lose your credits.. *sigh* But it’s a good thing. Teaching us to be ON TIME, right? :)
About this watch, I really didn’t know what to do until I told about my problem to one of my American friends, she was Rizma’s convos partner. She then told me about this place around campus.The place where you might find the things you lost.
I wasn’t sure I could find my watch, but when I came over I just saw it. Right on the table and the lady who kept that place was pleased to give me back what belonged to me. She said somebody found it in the restroom and brought it here. I couldn’t be happier than that.
So, I guess this place is really impressive. I wish I could have it in my country. Where you don’t have to worry in case you lose your stuff or if you find something that doesn’t belong to you. By that, you will know where to go. :)
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