In KKN, what we have to do is that we have to serve the society around the village based on their needs. And there, after we did some observations, we found that the people were no longer left behind.
They were already prosperous and had realized the importance of education. It could be said they lived in a developed district supported by the amount of their latex forest and gold. Yes, Mandor is famous for its gold. Many of the inhabitants work as miners. But still, the education facility was still low, especially the teachers.
That was why we were there. We decided to be the education facility for them, to transfer the spirit of the students in learning. We made a free course of all subjects for elementary students and a special English course.
At the first time, the English course was only focused on the elementary students because we found that English was not taught in elementary school (we wanted to introduce English to them before they went to junior high), but surprisingly the participants also came from junior high school students.
So, every Monday and Tuesday our camp was crowded by the children around the countryside. They came to learn and they were so excited. We were very happy to teach them. We had one hour for the all- subjects course, and one additional one hour for special English course. All- subjects course we did in our camp, and English course in SDN 33 Liansipi (another school bulding).
What we learned was that the students were really enjoyed to learn. They came REALLY on time. Can you imagine, the course started on 14.00 WIB, but they already came since 12.30 WIB. We really appreciated that, something we rarely found in Pontianak city. They really respect us. We miss that moment.

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