Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Good to see this!
And I want to suggest you to watch a movie entitled "One Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. Athough it has been released for years ago, but it represents the real condition of our earth nowadays. For those who have watched this movie, you are lucky. For those who haven't, then watch it.
Below is the trailer,

Tens of Islands have been underwater
What a worrying condition!
Right now Indonesia has 17.560 islands, part of them are inhabited. One of the indications of GW is the sea- level rise. Maybe that is why this situation happened. Maladewa island in India, Vanwatu and some other islands feared they will get the similar destiny. From that experience, Indonesia still has enough time to anticipate it by doing reboisation.
One person, one tree.
That will be very helpful..

Human excretion can reduce global warming
If you can, then it means you have a really interesting imagination.
If you can't, then it means you have to.
In fact, the human excretion really can have a great advantage for us to reduce GW itself.
Based on the what has been said by the founder of Sulabh International Social Service Organization, Bindeshwar Pathak, an organization that is dedicated to make a sanitation, he said that he has been developing a toilet with a system to change human excretion becomes biogas organically. After that, it will be changed into electricity or fuel to cook. For the urine, it will also be changed into fertilizers. He claimed that he has successfully implemented this eco- friendly toilets in Kabul, Afghanistan.
What an interesting real imagination! :)

What is Acid Rain?

Have you ever heard about acid rain? So, what does it mean? Is it about the rain that has the taste just like soursoup? We don't think so.
Naturally, rain has degree acidity of pH about 5,6 pH because of the carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Then if it is less than 5,6 pH, moreover, if it has 5,1 pH, means will bring a negative effect and damage many things:
- Acid rain is corrosive, it can damage material and building like properties, monument/ statue, metal like car, or car components.
- It is deadly for plants and animals.
- It can hamper the growing of food crops and vegetables.
- Causes breath respiratory disease.
- For pregnant woman, may cause premature babies.
- Influence the quality of the surface water.
- Can dissolve the heavy metals in the ground so it can affect the quality of the ground water and surface water.
And as we know, the cause why the carbondioxide has been decreasing for amount of these lately years is because of the global warming.
So, what are you waiting for?
Do something for our earth...

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Bike to Work

- Makes our body healthier
- Saves our money, because we don't need to pay for the fuel
- Doesn't damage the environment because there will be no pollution
Besides that, by riding bike, we can practice discipline.
So, let's ride our bike. It will be fun! Trust me.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Climate Disasters because of Global Warming
As time goes by, the climate disasters because of global warming are increasing and changing each day. If we compare to the kinds of diseases which are increasing because of junk food, so are the disasters. Same with disease, the disaster is also caused by the human being itself. They made it, so they have to receive the impacts. There are so many disasters happen in this earth like flood, dryness, landslide, storm, ice rain, and whirling wind. Earth becomes angry with what human has done.
-In South Korean, heavy rain storm makes 25 people died and 24 people lost.
-In Japan and India, there was heavy rain with thunderbolt and it causes flood and landslide.
-In Jakarta, the worst flood ever happened in the history. As the result, 1/3 area was underwater.
There are so many disasters caused by global warming that can not be mentioned one by one. What we need to do now is how to reduce the impacts of global warming even it is the small thing. By doing good, hopefully we are able to influence the society around us to do the same with us, at least.

The Contributing Substances in Global Warming

Like I’ve said before there are factors that are contributing in creating greenhouse effect. Everyone needs energy. These kinds of energy are vary one to another. Below are the explanation of them briefly.
a. Fossil Fuel
The most important energy nowadays is any kinds of fossil fuel which is used by almost people all over the world. The source of this energy gives a big contribution to raise the concentration of greenhouse effect, especially carbondioxide. Besides that, coal can not be forgotten. Coal takes part relate to steam machine in arousing electric power. Moreover, coal can cause acid rain because of the sulfur inside it as the main pollutant. It is dangerous for human breathing.
b. Forest Damage
One of the functions of forest is absorping the emission of greenhouse effect because forest can change the CO2 into O2. Damaging forests will give the contribution to the raise of greenhouse effect. The substances in earth which are useful for stabilizing the combustion effects are plants, forests and sea. Forest as we know has been the lung of the world. FOREST is VERY IMPORTANT for human beings. What a terribble to hear that everyday illegal logging has been being the habitual activity for human in these days. After they cut down the trees, there is no reboisation. What are those people going to be? Life saver? To fulfill human needs? OR, murderers? Murderers for our next generation?
c. Rubbish
Especially for urban society, the existence of rubbish is always increasing most of the time. The use of packaged- products are something they can’t stop. Everything instant, everything fast and everything that can make their life easier without seeing from the health content. We can imagine if someone in Jakarta throws his rubbish about 2 kg height everyday, multiply it with the amount of their society in that area at least 10.000.000 people, so at least there are 20.000.000 kg or 20.000 ton rubbish a day. Rubbish contributes in making the methane (CH4).

What is greenhouse effect?

Minggu, 18 April 2010
Reduce Global Warming

“One small step is a big leap”. This saying seems appropriate for what must we do to reduce the great effect of global warming. As we know, right now global warming has been the most interesting issue among the climate observer. Global warming happens when the atmosphere contains too much gas from the burning of fossil fuels. It is called hothouse effect. Actually hothouse effect is useful for earth- living, but if it has too much in the atmosphere can cause the heat of the earth increasing constantly. The effects of global warming can be seen from the weather condition around us, temperature increasing, unstable season, sea level rise, and the worst effect, disasters. It’s our responsibility to aware and concern with earth condition. If you think that doing big things are quite difficult, we can start it from the smallest things.
Everyone uses tissue to clean something. After use, we throw it, even just for a little stain or spot of dirt. Tissue is made of trees. More tissues we use, more trees are cut down. Based on the research, 300 pieces of tissues are same with one tree. If one day we spend at least 10 tissues, it means one month we can cut one tree. Why don’t we try to use handkerchief? If it’s dirty, we can clean it up. Besides that, it doesn’t spend much money to buy one handkerchief rather than boxes of tissue. But, it doesn’t mean we avoid the use of tissue at all, probably by decreasing the use of tissue we can reduce the tree- cutting. Remember that trees are very important to stabilize the temperature of earth.
Well, the coolers like fridge or air conditioner also have an impact to global warming. They have a substance of what we usually call chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). This substance is very dangerous for ozone layer. One molecule of CFC can destroy 100.000 of ozone molecule that is important to protect earth from UV (ultraviolet) radiation. Don’t be too spoiled in using air conditioner or fridge. Use it properly, not too often. If we have finished in using it, turn it off. Don’t let it on while we don’t need it. If we forget, ask somebody else to always remind us about this. Decrease the use of coolers in your home, for instance maybe you can try the fan.
If we want to go anywhere, we use vehicles such as car, bus, or motorcycle. The fuels are made of fossils. Fossil needs hundred or even thousand years until it turns into petroleum and needs a long process in the factory or refinery before ready to be consumed as fuel. Can you imagine how difficult it is to produce one single liter of our vehicle’s drink? If it is compared to our ease in getting fuel in every border of the street, it won’t be synchronous. Furthermore, we can see nowadays many people spend their time with their vehicles, especially young teenagers that are likely to be very comfortable with their car or motorcycle without thinking about the cost that has to be paid in using it, not only the money but also the natural resource itself. Actually in other countries that concern to global warming such as
Instant food also takes place in one of global warming causes. Many people say that this is globalization era; everything has to be fast, easy, and instant, no matter how much we have to pay to get it, especially the food. Fast food is the culture of globalization era. The food- packages are thrown everywhere while it can’t be elaborated by the soil because they are made of plastics. Besides contains preservative, this kind of food can produce much rubbish if there is no recycling. Recycling can be one alternative to prevent global warming. To make it easier, after we have used the products, separate the rubbish from other wet rubbish such as banana’s peel, onion skin, rotten fruit or that kind of things. Dry rubbish can be recycled into other things like bag, shoes, wallet, recycled- paper, or belt. By separating two rubbish into wet and dry, we can keep our environment cleaner and tidier, it can help us to avoid flood, too.
Finally, we ought to realize that the effect of global warming spreads into many aspects. Reduce the global warming doesn’t mean we come back to the ancient age. Modernization is important, but we also have to concern to our environment. It’s almost impossible to stop global warming, but reduce it is better than make it worse.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010
Thanks for reading,

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