
Like I’ve said before there are factors that are contributing in creating greenhouse effect. Everyone needs energy. These kinds of energy are vary one to another. Below are the explanation of them briefly.
a. Fossil Fuel
The most important energy nowadays is any kinds of fossil fuel which is used by almost people all over the world. The source of this energy gives a big contribution to raise the concentration of greenhouse effect, especially carbondioxide. Besides that, coal can not be forgotten. Coal takes part relate to steam machine in arousing electric power. Moreover, coal can cause acid rain because of the sulfur inside it as the main pollutant. It is dangerous for human breathing.
b. Forest Damage
One of the functions of forest is absorping the emission of greenhouse effect because forest can change the CO2 into O2. Damaging forests will give the contribution to the raise of greenhouse effect. The substances in earth which are useful for stabilizing the combustion effects are plants, forests and sea. Forest as we know has been the lung of the world. FOREST is VERY IMPORTANT for human beings. What a terribble to hear that everyday illegal logging has been being the habitual activity for human in these days. After they cut down the trees, there is no reboisation. What are those people going to be? Life saver? To fulfill human needs? OR, murderers? Murderers for our next generation?
c. Rubbish
Especially for urban society, the existence of rubbish is always increasing most of the time. The use of packaged- products are something they can’t stop. Everything instant, everything fast and everything that can make their life easier without seeing from the health content. We can imagine if someone in Jakarta throws his rubbish about 2 kg height everyday, multiply it with the amount of their society in that area at least 10.000.000 people, so at least there are 20.000.000 kg or 20.000 ton rubbish a day. Rubbish contributes in making the methane (CH4).
1 komentar:
yeah, what happen in our earth right now because of the pattern of human life which only care about their selves....
so, the questions is what we should do to decrease this problem????
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