Have you ever heard about acid rain? So, what does it mean? Is it about the rain that has the taste just like soursoup? We don't think so.
Naturally, rain has degree acidity of pH about 5,6 pH because of the carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Then if it is less than 5,6 pH, moreover, if it has 5,1 pH, means will bring a negative effect and damage many things:
- Acid rain is corrosive, it can damage material and building like properties, monument/ statue, metal like car, or car components.
- It is deadly for plants and animals.
- It can hamper the growing of food crops and vegetables.
- Causes breath respiratory disease.
- For pregnant woman, may cause premature babies.
- Influence the quality of the surface water.
- Can dissolve the heavy metals in the ground so it can affect the quality of the ground water and surface water.
And as we know, the cause why the carbondioxide has been decreasing for amount of these lately years is because of the global warming.
So, what are you waiting for?
Do something for our earth...
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