
Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

LPDP Interview, October 11th - 13th in UNJ

I arrived in Soekarno Hatta International Airport with my cousin, Riana Dwi Agustin. We went to PGC with a damri bus and we separated there. She went to her dorm and I would continue my journey to East Jakarta. I needed to find Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) and a place to stay for a couple of days. I planned to book a room in Wisma UNJ soon after I found the Brigjen Latief Hadiningrat Hall which spotted in Dewi Sartika floor 2, UNJ, a place where I would be interviewed for my LPDP scholarship. That was what I planned. Yet, sometimes, what we planned did not go as the way we wanted to be. When I got there, I realized my phone beeped and I looked at the BBM message. It was from Ella, Riza’s friend who was taking her master in UNJ. She told me that there was no room left in Wisma UNJ.

I realized I had to find another hotel or wherever place to stay. I got confused. While thinking in a taxi, I looked out the window and saw the crowd of UNJ students. I felt grateful because I finally got here. This place would be the history for my life adventure. This would be the place to struggle my biggest dream. 

This place was the first time I met Ella Anugrarista, a very kind friend who was beside me, and the nearest supporter when I went through the selection process. She took me to the spot where I saw a lot of intellectual people struggling for their own future. In LPDP selection process I met many great people (though I did not talk much at that time, I just observed them). First test we had to have was writing essay about certain topics. There were 3 topic options to choose, and I chose about “People who gain money through online job”. The second test was LGD (Leaderless Group Discussion), there we had to discuss about a topic related to religion conflict in Papua. The last test was the interview. In this interview, there were three interviewers.
Below are the summary of their questions.
First interviewer generally asked me about my future plans and research in Lancaster University.
1. Tell me about you and your study plans.
2. What is literature?
3. Why do you choose Lancaster University?

Second interviewer asked me about my current activities and my contribution to society.
1. What do you do now? What is your job?
2. What have you done to society around or community you have joined?
3. What did you do in United States? (Since I told them I had been there..)

Third interviewer asked me about the possibilities that may happen if I am accepted.
1. If you get this scholarship, what will you do after you come back to home country?
2. Are you planning to have part- time job there?
3. If in some cases something wrong happened in home country while you were studying, would you leave your study?

The interview ran smoothly. I was very happy and relaxed at that moment. We were just like having chit- chat.

That was the end of the selection process. I had given my best, and the result would come out on December 10th. Thank you for today ya Allah. Now I will let You do the rest.

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