This morning is one of the best weekends I ever had. Simple, not going anywhere, had nothing to catch for deadlines, still on my bed, got a glass of warm chocolate milk made by my mother and on top of all, pouring rain. My happiness. This happiness leads me to open up my laptop and write.
When I looked out the window, I realized something about time. Time, the most precious thing a human in this world has, sometimes distracting. When you are enjoying a moment so bad, you feel like you don’t wanna move. You just want to stand up there, freeze the moment and enjoying every second of the time. Yeah, every second of the time, which means that the moment is not standing still. The moment keeps going, so does the time.
I was thinking, why can’t we stop the time for the moment we enjoy the most? So there is no ticks in every second. I just want the watch stops everytime I got my most favorite moments.
Maybe this can be the answer: Nothing lasts forever.
We still live in this world, which is just for a while, like a bus stop. It is not a destination, it is a test. It is just passing by. Our real destinations are either heaven, or hellfire. I always remember one quote that once said by my trainee, “Living in this world is like water that flows in our throats, just a while, very fast.” Eternity only belongs to Allah, and eternity for us, is in the here after.