
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Good to see this!

Right now, I have some interesting information to be shared with you, if you are interested to read, click
And I want to suggest you to watch a movie entitled "One Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. Athough it has been released for years ago, but it represents the real condition of our earth nowadays. For those who have watched this movie, you are lucky. For those who haven't, then watch it.
Below is the trailer,

Tens of Islands have been underwater

In Indonesia, at least there are 23 uninhabited islands have been underwater in the lasts 10 years because of global warming.
What a worrying condition!
Right now Indonesia has 17.560 islands, part of them are inhabited. One of the indications of GW is the sea- level rise. Maybe that is why this situation happened. Maladewa island in India, Vanwatu and some other islands feared they will get the similar destiny. From that experience, Indonesia still has enough time to anticipate it by doing reboisation.
One person, one tree.
That will be very helpful..

Human excretion can reduce global warming

Can you imagine if the human excretion can help us to reduce the global warming?
If you can, then it means you have a really interesting imagination.
If you can't, then it means you have to.
In fact, the human excretion really can have a great advantage for us to reduce GW itself.
Based on the what has been said by the founder of Sulabh International Social Service Organization, Bindeshwar Pathak, an organization that is dedicated to make a sanitation, he said that he has been developing a toilet with a system to change human excretion becomes biogas organically. After that, it will be changed into electricity or fuel to cook. For the urine, it will also be changed into fertilizers. He claimed that he has successfully implemented this eco- friendly toilets in Kabul, Afghanistan.
What an interesting real imagination! :)

What is Acid Rain?

Have you ever heard about acid rain? So, what does it mean? Is it about the rain that has the taste just like soursoup? We don't think so.
Naturally, rain has degree acidity of pH about 5,6 pH because of the carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Then if it is less than 5,6 pH, moreover, if it has 5,1 pH, means will bring a negative effect and damage many things:
- Acid rain is corrosive, it can damage material and building like properties, monument/ statue, metal like car, or car components.
- It is deadly for plants and animals.
- It can hamper the growing of food crops and vegetables.
- Causes breath respiratory disease.
- For pregnant woman, may cause premature babies.
- Influence the quality of the surface water.
- Can dissolve the heavy metals in the ground so it can affect the quality of the ground water and surface water.

And as we know, the cause why the carbondioxide has been decreasing for amount of these lately years is because of the global warming.
So, what are you waiting for?
Do something for our earth...

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Bike to Work

Talking about global warming seems very easy. But, talking about reducing global warming seems very difficult to do. Why? Because we can't change our way of life so easily. As we know, nowadays people are used to make life becomes simpler, easier, more flexible and more things like that. Everything can be done in a shorter time. The most miserable thing I watch right now is how people being enjoy too much on their vehicle. They almost don't pay attention on how much they have to pay to change the fuel itself. To be quiet honest, I also can't ignore this kind of situation. Maybe I have been being one of them. However, I really hope the government realize about this situation. It doesn't mean we don't need to use airplane as our transportation. At least, they can start to carry out the term "Bike To Work" to people? "Bike To Work" program has many advantages, like:
- Makes our body healthier
- Saves our money, because we don't need to pay for the fuel
- Doesn't damage the environment because there will be no pollution
Besides that, by riding bike, we can practice discipline.
So, let's ride our bike. It will be fun! Trust me.